
Welcome to my blog where I hope to keep you all informed about my progress through this little adventure called cancer. I'm writing as much for myself as for anyone else, to document this journey and all the (hopeful) learning that takes place. Be warned that you are likely to encounter posts that may contain entirely tmi about bodily functions, that may be narcissistic and self indulgent, that might be poorly written or that may not interest you in the least, especially if you're just wondering "How's Steph feeling?" Comments and questions are welcome. Thanks for coming by!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chemo: Round 1

I started my first round of chemotherapy last Wednesday, Sept. 14th. The experience itself wasn't so bad though it took a long time, about 5 hours. Everyone was very friendly and the infusion room is actually quite lovely as it has 2 walls of windows that look out into a copse of trees. I graded some papers, played with my new iPad (Crocker staff rules!!), and my mom brought me lunch. :)
In addition to the chemotherapy drugs, they also give you anti-nausea meds as well as a steroid to mitigate any possible allergic reactions to the chemo drugs. I didn't realize that steroids are actually quite a stimulant. So for the next couple of days I was flying high, very energetic, got lots of things done. Sat and Sunday were a little rough. I had a little bit of the body and bone aches that I was told to expect. I was also told to expect major constipation from the anti-nausea meds but instead I had the opposite. For about 4 days I had several gut wrenching bowel movements (GWBMs) per day, but that has been my most serious side effect so far. Other than the GWBMs, I have been feeling pretty good. In fact, the past 3 days or so I've been feeling very normal. I'm supposed to be experiencing some fatigue at this point but I can't say I'm any more tired than usual. I won't assume that it will always be this easy but SO FAR SO GOOD.

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