
Welcome to my blog where I hope to keep you all informed about my progress through this little adventure called cancer. I'm writing as much for myself as for anyone else, to document this journey and all the (hopeful) learning that takes place. Be warned that you are likely to encounter posts that may contain entirely tmi about bodily functions, that may be narcissistic and self indulgent, that might be poorly written or that may not interest you in the least, especially if you're just wondering "How's Steph feeling?" Comments and questions are welcome. Thanks for coming by!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chemo Round 3: My Mouth Hurts :(

It has been almost a week since my third chemo infusion. I had a lot of things planned for last weekend, even though I knew I wasn't likely to be feeling well, but you just can't reschedule Halloween. It turned out alright actually, I didn't feel too bad after all. I was expecting major diarrhea and gut wrenching bowel movements (GWBMs) like I'd had after the last 2 rounds and when that didn't happen, I turned to Gadget in a panic and said, "Oh no, that must mean I'm going to be constipated!" (the side effect I was told to expect) He said, "Maybe it won't be either one." That pulled me up short because I had never even considered that maybe it would just be okay. I has set my expectations for misery and it didn't even occur to me that I might be fine. And I was. No GWBMs or granite moving constipation. Hooray!
So the weekend was better than I expected but I have since been more tired than before. I've totally fallen off the wagon in terms of regular exercise or yoga, though I did make it to the gym today for a bit. The nausea is lingering longer this time though it isn't real intense. Just enough to make me feel.... bleah. Other new fun symptoms include extremely dry skin, especially on my face. I feel like I need to put moisturizer on every couple hours. And today's biggest complaint is that my mouth really hurts. It just feels tingly and raw all over the inside, like it's been scraped up. Fortunately my throat feels okay and it doesn't hurt to swallow. I'll get it looked at when I go for my herceptin infusion tomorrow.
On a happier note, I got my chakras balanced yesterday! There's an organization out of Stanford that matches up cancer patients with energy workers for free Healing Touch treatments and yesterday was my first session. Can't say I noticed a huge difference in how I felt before and after but it was a nice experience nonetheless. I will be seeing Doris, my energy worker, every Monday for the next 3 months!


  1. Steph, I'm sorry to hear about the sore mouth. I hope that passes as quickly as possible. So nice to hear about the match up between folks who are dealing with cancer and energy workers! Glad it felt nice to have the work done.
    Sending you much love!

  2. hope you're feeling better - have you asked your doc about the stanford mouthwash?? should help with the sores. hugs to you!
