
Welcome to my blog where I hope to keep you all informed about my progress through this little adventure called cancer. I'm writing as much for myself as for anyone else, to document this journey and all the (hopeful) learning that takes place. Be warned that you are likely to encounter posts that may contain entirely tmi about bodily functions, that may be narcissistic and self indulgent, that might be poorly written or that may not interest you in the least, especially if you're just wondering "How's Steph feeling?" Comments and questions are welcome. Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Well, surgery on Thursday went swimmingly. And the recovery has been super easy! Like surprisingly, remarkably easy. As in the day after surgery I walked a couple miles going into town and back, made dinner and only took ibuprofen once. Then the next day we threw a birthday party for Jet and 20 friends and then later got dressed up and went out to a grown up birthday party until late that night! Also awesome is that my boob looks fine. After the warning my doctor gave me I was prepared for a bid dent or something but it looks just the same as before. :D
Now I just have to wait for the pathology report, which I should get in a few days.


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling good and things went smoothly. I will keep good thoughts for the pathology report. Happy birthday, Jet!

  2. Great news! Very happy for you. And, like Lisa, I'm thinking good thoughts and keeping fingers crossed for the report. xxoo!

  3. Happiest Birthday wishes! So glad all went smoothly. Hope the report came out perfectly!

    And you get to feel good about all the lazy, non-productive days. We're just glad you're getting better!

    Love to you~
