Bleah, I feel like shit.
I'm tempted just to leave it at that but I guess I haven't posted in a long time, so I'll complain in a little more detail. Nauseous, achy, tired and cranky. That pretty much describes it at the moment. But since I'm here, I'll bitch about last week too.
The last half of Round 4 was ok, but I felt pretty sluggish. Turns out when I went for Round 5 they found that my red blood cells were low, which would account for the low energy feeling. I'm taking an iron supplement for that now, we'll see how it goes. My cheery disposition has been lacking a bit too. I think it's because even when the big obvious side effects wear off and I feel mostly alright, there are still so many weird little things going on with my body. Tingly tongue, sore fingertips, bloody nose, super dry skin, watery eyes. None of them by themselves is all that bad but collectively they are pretty annoying.
It actually reminds me of being pregnant, but without the joy.
That feeling like you aren't in charge of your body anymore and you're always discovering new little changes. In fact, with the weight I've put on around the middle thanks to the steroids, I even look like I'm heading into my second trimester. There are some positive similarities to pregnancy as well. You get to be special, everyone treats you extra nice, people want to do things for you. It's not all bad. And when I'm done, instead of bringing a new life into the world, I get to keep living mine. I'm the mother and the baby all in one. I've even got the hairless newborn look nailed. :)
I'm looking forward to the holidays and spending time with family and friends. Distraction is good. I'm almost to the point of being bored. It's not that there aren't things to do, it's just that I often don't have the energy or motivation to do them. Hopefully once chemo is done and I'm just doing radiation I can get to all those projects I have on my list.
"We have no right to ask when a sorrow comes, 'Why did this happen to me?' unless we ask the same question for every joy that comes our way."
Welcome to my blog where I hope to keep you all informed about my progress through this little adventure called cancer. I'm writing as much for myself as for anyone else, to document this journey and all the (hopeful) learning that takes place. Be warned that you are likely to encounter posts that may contain entirely tmi about bodily functions, that may be narcissistic and self indulgent, that might be poorly written or that may not interest you in the least, especially if you're just wondering "How's Steph feeling?" Comments and questions are welcome. Thanks for coming by!